Update WhitePaper EN V.2.1 11-03-2022
What is the NatureArt collection?
“NatureArt” " is an NFT art collection that presents a compilation of works created by photographer David Alfaro, a retrospective of the last 10 years of his career, based on photographs taken in different parts of the Americas and Spain, using part of his photographic portfolio and resorting to digital media to create alternative environments that invite imagination and reflection. The collection presents the vision of one of El Salvador's most renowned environmental photographers and unfolds a fantastic world loaded with a great symbolic richness in fascinating pieces, proposing an environmental portrait of our times and possible futures, celebrating the beauty and colours of nature in a new and unique way.

Limited Collection
“NatureArt” is a limited collection of 91 images created using compositional techniques, light and shadow perspectives sometimes unrealistic and inspired by nature, but addressing fragility, chaos and beauty through a surreal mix of radiant colours, atmospheres and textures, evoking sensations and provoking emotions, meticulously created as virtual art, transforming reality into an NFT.
Environmentalist Surreal Photography
The artist defines the work created for this NFT collection as environmentalist surreal photography, blurring the boundaries between photography and the vectorisation of space, where natural motifs and sweet shapes are mixed and counterbalanced with disturbing textures, singular colours and sordid tones, which he uses as recurring elements.

"Nature Art" collection is launched in the Solana ecosystem for two main reasons:
Eco-friendly: Solana's proof of stake chain has a minimal impact on the environment relative to other blockchains.
Low gas fees: Launching on Solana, everyone can mint a piece without competing in 'gas wars' and spending hefty fees.
Supporting the SOL ecosystem, "Nature Art" collection is the first type of eco-friendly, participatory and multi-reward NFT art ready to be used in virtual galleries in the metaverse.
The artistic and visual purpose of the exhibition is combined with the intention of promoting interest in nature conservation and the protection of different species in danger of extinction. To achieve this goal, part of the benefits from the sale of the some exhibited works, equivalent to 10% of the profits obtained from each work sold, will be donated to support non-profit organizations in some of the countries where the photographs were taken, specifically El Salvador, Costa Rica, Ecuador and Spain.
Why eco-friendly?
Solana is a 'green' chain, but we believe in doing more.
10% of our sales of a part of the arts will be donated directly to the non-profit organization of your choice that protects the oceans, thus directly helping to clean the seas and the conservation of endangered marine species such as seaturtles and sharks.
The organisations from which you can choose to direct the donation are the following:
Fundación Zoológica de El Salvador FUNZEL. Sea Turtle Conservation Project of El Salvador. www.funzel.org.sv
CREMA Association, Costa Rica. Sharks Alive Project, Costa Rica. www.cremacr.org
Fundación Equilibrio Azul, Ecuador. Project Saving hawksbill turtles in Ecuador. www.equilibrioazul.org
Asociación Maltesa del Mar, Spain. Project for the care of the seabed and the waters of the island of Ibiza. www.maltesadelmar.org
You can download our Whitepaper with a compilation of information on donations to environmental projects, collection information, rarity levels and rewards for the acquisition of nft, in addition to all the necessary information on this collection Here
Collection in SolSea
Yes, we are environmentalists. Bored of hearing about the importance of conservation? Fuck it! We care!